Saturday 13 July 2013

A banana a day may keep the doctor away

Ripe Bananas

Who doesn't love a tastee ripe banana? It is a favorite fruit for everyone, from the infant stage to the elderly stage. I must confess that i consume about two or three bananas a day, yes its that good! Eating at least two every morning can stimulate you brain power and concentration level.  #Bananas are very rich in potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, Magnesium and dietary fiber and an array of other nutrients. Bananas can be enjoyed in a variety of ways - peel and eaten raw, crushed and spread in sandwiches, blended and make shakes, chopped in cereal, mixed with grit, crushed in fritters and johnny cake and a all time favorite of making a delicious porridge. Eating a banana can help to lower or relieve you of:-

Ulcer - Bananas help to neutralize over acidity and reduce irritation in the lining of the stomach.
Blood Sugar - Studies have shown that eating a fruits high in carbohydrate, like bananas, keep blood sugar level stable and reduces craving, resulting in possible weight loss.
Stroke - Eating bananas as a part of your regular diet can significantly reduce the risk of getting a strokes.
Blood Pressure - Bananas are high in potassium and low in salt which is great for high blood pressure.
PMS - It can improve your mood, vitamin B6 in bananas regulate blood glucose levels.
Depression - Studies have shown that bananas can help alleviate depression because they contain tryptohan, a type of protein the body converts into serotonin, which makes you feel happier.
Anemia - Simple, bananas contain iron and can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood
Protect your Eyes - A study published in the ophthalmology archives shows that eating two or more serving per day can reduce the risk of age related macular degeneration, a primary cause of vision loss in elderly people.
Strengthen Bones - Yes! enjoying a banana frequently can improve your ability to absorb calcium.

Green bananas can also be consumed, just peel and put in a pot of water and boil for about 10 - 15 minutes or desired.  Green bananas are great for your cells that make up the lining of your intestine.  When these cells are well nourished and healthy the body's ability to absorb nutrients increases.  So, do your mind and body a big favor, eat at least one banana a day.

Here, here! to a #healthy lyfestyle.

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